
Insyde Software is a public company that has been trading on the GreTai Securities Market in Taiwan (GTSM) since January 23, 2003. Our stock number is 6231. Fueled by its significant revenue and market share growth since its inception in 1998, Insyde Software is well positioned for the future and has attracted numerous institutional investors through this offering. Insyde Software derives it revenue from two primary market segments including notebook computers and embedded computing devices including a sub-category known as information appliances.

For Insyde Software financial statements, please refer to the Market Observation Post System.

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After the Advanced Search page loads, first enter Insyde Software's stock number (6231), and then the 2016 for the year. Please note that data before 2016 is not currently available on this system. Press "Go" to load all results for that year.

All of our publicly available investor relation information is provided here.