
Insyde Software is Publicly Traded on TPEx as 6231.TWO

Publicly Traded in Taiwan Since 2003

Insyde Software is a public company that has been trading on Taiwan security exchanges since January 23, 2003. Fueled by its significant revenue and market share growth since its inception in 1998, Insyde Software is well positioned for the future and has attracted numerous institutional investors in the last 20+ years. 

Find Insyde Software's Latest Investor Updates on the TWSE Market Observation Post System (MOPS)

Insyde Software publishes its latest investor information, including investor meeting updates, revenue, financial statements and more on the Taiwan Stock Exchange's Market Observation Post System (MOPs).

Access this information on MOPS by entering Insyde Software's company code, 6231, in the site's "Quick Search" or "Company Name/Code" entry box.


Basic Investor Information

Company NameInsyde Software Corp.Phone:02-66083688
Address16F, No. 120 , Section 2, Jianguo North Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City
ChairmanJeremy WangPresidentAven Chuang
SpokesmanXu XinwuSpokesperson TitleAssistant Manager of Finance and Accounting
Spokesperson’s phone number02-66083688Acting SpokespersonLi Peiyan
Main businessBasic input and output software for notebook computers
Basic input and output software for information appliances
Company Establishment Date87/09/18Unified Number for Profit-Profit Enterprises16627697
Paid-in Capital456,521,860 yuanListing date0
Listing Date92/01/23Opening date91/09/27
Public Release Date90/07/26
Common Stock45,652,186 sharesSpecial Shares0 shares
Sock Transfer AgencyKGI Securities Co., Ltd.Telephone02-23148800
Transfer AddressFloor 4, No. 2, Section 1, Chongqing South Road, Taipei City
Visa accounting firmAnhou Jianye United Accounting Firm
Visa Accountant 1Wu Zhengyan
Visa Accountant 2Chen Junguang
Our CompanyNoneSpecial Stock IssuanceOur companyHaveCorporate bond issuance
English abbreviationInsyde
Full name in englishInsyde Software Corp.
English mailing address (alley number)16F., No.120, Sec.2, Jianguo N. Rd., Zhongshan DistrictEnglish mailing address (county, city, country)Taipei, Taiwan, ROC
Fax machine number02-66083689Email