Insyde Software is traded on TPEx as 6231.TWO

Third Term of the Remuneration Committee
The Audit Committee supervises the fair expression of the Company’s financial statements, the selection or dismissal of certified public accountants (CPAs) and assessment of their independence and performance, effective implementation of the internal control, and legal compliance of the Company, as well as to control the inherent and potential risks.
The Committee members shall consist of three and appointed by the Board.
The Committee meets at least twice every year. Please consult Insyde’s Annual Report for the relevant year for the number of meetings convened and each member’s attendance rate.Duration:
At least four times a year. Except in the case of an emergency. Please refer to the annual reports of the Company for the number of meetings convened by the Board of Directors.
1st Audit Committee Members
Position | Name | Educational Backgrounds |
Independent Director | Chen Chi Hsu | Department of Electrical Engineering, Fu Jen Catholic University 輔仁大學電子工程系畢 |
Independent Director | Yeh Shun Fa | Department of Electrical Engineering, Fu Jen Catholic University 輔仁大學電子工程系畢 |
Independent Director | Lu I Yen | Institute of Electrical Engineering, National Chiao Tung University 國立交通大學 機械工程研究所畢 |
Independent Director | Su Ling Shu | Department of Computing, Ming Chuan Commercial College: 銘傳商專電子計算機科畢 |
Operation of the Audit Committee
The 1st Audit Committee was established on June 14, 2022 to replace the duties and functions of Supervisors. The Audit Committee consists of all independent directors as the ex officio members.
The tenure is for three years from June 14, 2022 to June 13, 2025, the same termination date as the end of the current BOD term.
1. The Audit Committee held four(A) committee meetings As of August 2024, and the attendance of the committee members is tabulated below:
Title | Name | Attendance in Person (B) | Attendance Through Proxy | Attendance Rate (B/A) (%) | Remarks |
Committee Chairman | Yeh Shun Fa | 4 | 0 | 100.0 | |
Committee Member | Chen Chi Hsun | 4 | 0 | 100.0 | |
Committee Member | Lu I Yen | 4 | 0 | 100.0 | |
Committee Member | Su Ling Shu | 4 | 0 | 100.0 |
Position | Name | Educational Backgrounds |
Independent Director | Chen Chi Hsu | Department of Electrical Engineering, Fu Jen Catholic University 輔仁大學電子工程系畢 |
Independent Director | Yeh Shun Fa | Department of Electrical Engineering, Fu Jen Catholic University 輔仁大學電子工程系畢 |
Independent Director | Lu I Yen | Institute of Electrical Engineering, National Chiao Tung University 國立交通大學 機械工程研究所畢 |
Operation of the Remuneration Committee
The tenure is for three years from June 14, 2022 to June 13, 2025, the same termination date as the end of the current BOD term.
The 5th remuneration committee members are three—three independent directors.
1. The remuneration committee held two (A) committee meetings As of August 2024, and the attendance of the committee members is tabulated below:
Title | Name | Attendance in Person (B) | Attendance Through Proxy | Attendance Rate (B/A) (%) | Remarks |
Committee Chairman | Yeh Shun Fa | 2 | 0 | 100.0 | |
Committee Member | Chen Chi Hsun | 2 | 0 | 100.0 | |
Committee Member | Lu I Yen | 2 | 0 | 100.0 |
Sustainability Steering Committee
Position | Name | Educational Backgrounds |
Independent Director | Yeh Shun Fa | Department of Electrical Engineering, Fu Jen Catholic University 輔仁大學電子工程系畢 |
Independent Director | Su Ling Shu | Department of Computing, Ming Chuan Commercial College: 銘傳商專電子計算機科畢 |
Director | Wang Yen Hsiang | San Jose State University, Computer Science, Bachelor Degree. |