Investor Relations
Insyde Software is Publicly Traded on TPEx as 6231.TWO


Board of Directors
The board of directors is Insyde Software’s highest governing body. Directors are elected through a shareholders meeting in accordance with “Regulations Governing Election of Directors and Supervisors.” “Corporate Governance Best-Practice Principles” formulates the structure of the board of directors and its policy of diversity.
The board of directors structure is determined by choosing an appropriate number of board members, not less than seven ~ eleven. Board of directors shall be determined by directors’ professional knowledge and abilities (including professional knowledge and experience in economic, environmental and social issues) and taking diversity (e.g. gender, age and culture) into consideration based on the company’s business operations, operating dynamics, and development needs so as to empower the directors to help make material contributions to the operations of the company.
The qualification requirements and election of independent directors are as follows: during the two years before being elected or during the term of office, an independent director may not have been or be an employee or related party of the company or any of its affiliates.
Audit Committee
On March 21, 2019, the board approved the “Audit Committee Charter” as a reference to establish the Audit Committee to supervise the fair expression of the Company’s financial statements, the selection or dismissal of certified public accountants (CPAs) and assessment of their independence and performance, effective implementation of the internal control, and legal compliance of the Company, as well as to control the inherent and potential risks.
The 1st Audit Committee was established on June 14, 2022 to replace the duties and functions of Supervisors. The Audit Committee consists of all independent directors as the ex officio members.
Remuneration Committee
Insyde established a remuneration committee in 2010. The members of remuneration committee are appointed by resolution of the board of directors in accordance with the “Remuneration Committee Charter”, whose main duties include periodically reviewing the performance for the directors, supervisors and managerial officers of the Company and the policies, systems, standards and structure for their compensation, and making recommendations for amendments to “Remuneration Committee Charter”.
The 5th remuneration committee members are three—three independent directors.
Sustainability Steering Committee
The 1st Sustainability Steering Committee was established on August 8, 2024 . The Audit Sustainability Steering Committee of two independent directors and one director as the officio members.