
Insyde Software is traded on TPEx as 6231.TWO

Board of Directors

Board Responsibilities:

The Board of Directors is the highest governing of the Company. According to the provisions of Article 202 of the Company Law, the Board of Directors shall decide on the execution of the Company’s business, except as otherwise decided by the shareholders’ meeting in accordance with the Company Law or Articles of Association.


At least four times a year. Except in the case of an emergency. Please refer to the annual reports of the Company for the number of meetings convened by the Board of Directors.

Board of Directors:

The structure of the board of directors shall be determined by choosing an appropriate number of board members, not less than seven ~ eleven. Board of directors shall be determined by directors’ professional knowledge and abilities (including professional knowledge and experience in economic, environmental and social issues) and taking diversity (e.g. gender, age and culture) into consideration based on the company’s business operations, operating dynamics, and development needs so as to empower the directors and make material contributions to operation.

The qualification requirements and election of independent directors are in accordance with during the two years before being elected or during the term of office, an independent director may not have been or be an employee or related party of the company or any of its affiliates.

The 9th Board of Directors:

Educational Backgrounds
DirectorChih Kao Wang
Department of Electrical Engineering, Fu Jen Catholic University

Fu Chiang Sung
Department of Electrical Engineering, Lunghwa Junior College of Technology

DirectorRepresentative of PCT Limited.,
Huang, Mei Chin
Department of Japanese, Fu Jen Catholic University

Jonathan Joseph
BA Degree, Oberlin College
DirectorWang Yen Hsiang
San Jose State University, Computer Science, Bachelor Degree.
DirectorMing Liang Investment Co., Ltd (Representative:Wang Chien-Chih)
Department of Law, Fu Jen Catholic University

DirectorChen Chi Hsun
Department of Electrical Engineering, Fu Jen Catholic University

DirectorYeh Shun Fa
Department of Electrical Engineering, Fu Jen Catholic University

DirectorLu I Yen
Institute of Electrical Engineering, National Chiao Tung University

國立交通大學 機械工程研究所畢
DirectorSu Ling Shu
Department of Computing, Ming Chuan Commercial College


(Has been naturally dismissed
Chuang Ling Wen
Centenary College ,USA 學位:Master of Business Administration(MBA)

*The director transfers more than half of his holdings during his term, he shall be automatically dismissed from his directorial position in accordance with the law.

Operation of the Board of Directors:

The BOD held five(A) BOD meetings As of August 2024, and the attendance of the BOD members is tabulated below:
Attendance in Person (B)
Attendance Through Proxy
Attendance Rate (B/A) (%)
DirectorChih Kao Wang
DirectorChih Kao Wang
DirectorFu Chiang Sung50100.0
DirectorJonathan Joseph
DirectorWang Yen Hsiang
DirectorMing Liang Investment Co., Ltd (Representative: Wang Chien-Chih)50100.0
DirectorChen Chi Hsun
DirectorYeh Shun Fa
DirectorLu I Yen
DirectorSu Ling Shu
(Has been naturally dismissed)
Chuang Ling Wen
40*The director transfers more than half of his holdings during his term, he shall be automatically dismissed from his directorial position in accordance with the law.